Dog Left With His Belongings, Waiting for Someone to Rescue Him

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By Jack Rover

Hank was just an 8-month-old puppy when a compassionate passerby came across him abandoned in the woods. Unlike most puppies his age, he wasn’t running around or exploring with boundless energy. Instead, Hank sat quietly on a discarded dog bed, surrounded by a few of his toys and a bag of dog food he couldn’t reach, as if waiting for someone to notice him. His eyes told the story of his struggle, filled with desperation and longing for help.

The person who found him knew immediately that Hank was in need of urgent assistance and contacted a nearby animal shelter. Concerned for his safety, shelter staff arrived promptly to rescue him. Given the survival instincts he may have developed during his time alone, they were prepared for the possibility of Hank being fearful or aggressive.

But Hank surprised everyone. From the moment they reached him, he radiated nothing but love and affection. “He was full of love from the moment they got to him,” said Rosa Fond, founder of Humans and Animals United, in an interview with The Dodo. “Everyone who meets him says he’s the sweetest dog.” Once safe, Hank was taken to a vet, where they discovered that he had been suffering from a broken leg for over two weeks, which explained why he remained motionless on the bed. Walking would have been too painful for him.

Due to the seriousness of his injury, Hank needed immediate surgery. The shelter reached out to Humans and Animals United for help, and without hesitation, Fond agreed to take Hank into their care, ensuring he would receive the medical treatment he so desperately needed.

Currently, Hank is staying at a local veterinary hospital as he awaits his life-changing surgery. His caregivers are focused on helping him regain strength and gain weight before the procedure. In the meantime, Hank has been enjoying the attention, love, and daily cuddles from the veterinary staff, who are helping him heal emotionally as well as physically.

Since Humans and Animals United shared Hank’s story on their Facebook page, the response has been overwhelming, with many expressing interest in adopting him. However, as Fond pointed out, Hank still has a journey ahead before he is ready for adoption. “He’s safe now, and that’s what matters most. He’ll never have to suffer again,” she said.

Although Hank has been through more than most dogs his age, thanks to the kindness of strangers and his new care team, his future is looking brighter. He is well on his way to a life full of love, safety, and happiness.

UPDATE: Hank has officially found his forever home with a wonderful family who is committed to giving him the love and care he deserves. Here’s to a future filled with endless love, fun, and treats!

If this story touched your heart, please share it with friends or family to spread the word and help more dogs like Hank find the love they deserve.

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